Friday, June 12, 2015


Everywhere I read, it says how good Yoga is for you. Well, this is the year that I am going to start!  The benefits are many. Despite the fact that I am so out of shape, I am going to start little by little, perhaps with "chair yoga."

Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga is a gentle form of yoga that is practiced sitting on a chair, or standing using a chair for support. It is in the process of being recognized formally as a type of yoga distinct from other types, such as Iyengar Yoga or Ashtanga yoga. Often the poses, or Asanas, are often adaptations of Hatha yoga poses.

"In Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism the word yoga means "spiritual discipline". People often associate yoga with the postures and stances that make up the physical activity of the exercise, but after closer inspection it becomes clear that there are many more aspects of yoga. It is an activity that has been practiced for thousands of years, and it is something that has evolved and changed overtime. Different factions of yoga have developed since its conception."

"The traditional purpose of Yoga, however, has always been to bring about a profound transformation in the person through the transcendence of the ego," (Feuerstein 3)

Modern Yoga

Modern yoga is based on five basic principles that were created by Swami Sivananda.
  • Proper relaxation
  • Proper exercise
  • Proper breathing
  • Proper diet
  • Positive thinking and meditation 

Recently, I read an article in the Huffington Post about how Yoga can make you happier!  Here is the article:

By Monique Minahan
When I first started practicing yoga, I was still digging my way out of a deep cavern of grief. Something about this unusual method of twists, turns, and upside downs kept calling me back. I didn't know what it was initially, but as I began to settle into my body, things began to shift in my life.

I think of it as going from a paralyzed life to a walking life. If you are already able to walk and then begin to run, that's liberating. If you are paralyzed and then begin to walk, that's a miracle.

2013-01-17-Gaiam4This was my experience with the power and patience of yoga. Learning how to walk into my life, transition from grief to peace, and eventually to happiness.
The peace and happiness we access on our mats is no accident. Although many write it off as just another exercise-induced dopamine high, yoga goes deeper than that. The mind-body connection created in yoga facilitates change at a cellular level. Cellular memory is the idea that our bodies hold our histories.
Before you brush this off as far-fetched, consider that scientists and physicians have found compelling evidence that the brain and body send messages to each other through neuropeptides and receptors. Neurocardiology is a discipline that studies the communicative relationship between the brain and the heart.

Our nervous systems are what we're tapping into in yoga. Retraining how psychological or emotional triggers set off our flight-or-fight response allows us the opportunity to rewire our sympathetic nervous system. The deep breathing practiced in yoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system, producing a calming, relaxed effect.

The relationship between head and heart has been described as a "dynamic, ongoing, two-way dialogue with each organ continuously influencing the other's function."
When we weave positive intention into our movements, we are imprinting these thoughts, not only into our minds, but into our bodies. We are effecting change on our mat that will allow for change off our mat.

Much of our unhappiness as humans comes from our thoughts or feelings. We judge our experiences in terms of good or bad. We experience feelings of inadequacy, powerlessness, embarrassment, humiliation, and we often keep track of what we don't have more than what we do have.
A full practice of yoga, including meditation, gently removes these weights from our minds and our bodies. Not only does it remove them, but with time it can begin to reshape our attitudes, views, and thoughts.

The physical postures take us into our bodies in a non-judgemental way. From this neutral viewpoint, we can see huge possibility. Without being blocked by preconceived ideas of what we can or cannot do, we are free to try, to fall, to play, and to grow.

Physically, yoga asks one simple thing of us: Show up. Show up in mind, body, and spirit. These are things we can skimp on in other areas of life. Perhaps we show up in body to work or a conversation, but our minds are somewhere else. At times we show up mentally to a project, while our bodies slouch for hours, forgotten. The integration in yoga of all these parts creates the prerequisite unity and connection required for happiness to bloom.

Once we feel unified and connected, we will access a deep well of joy that does not diminish when shared. Yoga doesn't just lift our spirits. It lifts our lives. It opens our eyes to the essence of who we are, and therein lies peace. Therein lies the happiness.

(ref.  Feuerstein, Georg. The Deeper Dimension of Yoga: Theory and Practice. Boston: Shambhala, 2003 & The Huffington Post 2015)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


road-to-happinessRecently, I heard some great advice from the best-selling author of Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert, when she appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show.  She suggested keeping a “happiness journal.”  Remember when you were growing up, you probably had a diary or a journal or knew someone who did? Most of us wrote in it religiously or just complained about what happened to us or didn’t happen to us. Well, with a happiness journal, it is a conscious effort to write down your HAPPY moments daily.  It may seem silly but it helps to point out how fortunate you are and teaches us all to be more grateful!

Sure, there are days that are not going to be so good, but if you really pay attention, there is something (even if it’s a small something) in every day, that can make you happy or at least makes  you smile.

 Whether it is watching your kids play, or going out to a nice dinner or lunch, spending quality time with a friend or loved one  or maybe someone paid you a compliment, or maybe even just walking outside and enjoying the sunshine.

Recently, I heard some great advice from the best-selling author of Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert, when she appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show. She suggested keeping a “happiness journal.”

Remember when you were growing up, you probably had a diary or a journal or knew someone who did? Most of us wrote in it religiously or just complained about what happened to us or didn’t happen to us. Well, with a happiness journal, it is a conscious effort to write down your HAPPY moments daily. It may seem silly but it helps to point out how fortunate you are and teaches us all to be more grateful! Sure, there are days that are not going to be so good, but if you really pay attention, there is something (even if it’s a small something) in every day, that can make you happy or at least makes you smile. road-to-happiness Whether it is watching your kids play, or going out to a nice dinner or lunch, spending quality time with a friend or loved one or maybe someone paid you a compliment, or maybe even just walking outside and enjoying the sunshine. Pay attention to the little things in life and nature and you will begin to notice how lucky and happy your life really is. You never really appreciate things and people until there gone.

Do not wait for that to happen! I invite you to take the “Happiest Moment” Challenge and start your journal today! All you have to do is get a notebook, or if you have a real diary or journal even better and begin writing today one thing that made you happy that day. And if you don’t want to deal with writing in a journal, attached is pdf.file that contains blank work sheets for you to print and fill out your 30-Day Happiest Moments Challenge. Click on link for your worksheets: 30-Day Happiest Moment Challenge Make this your happy challenge for the next 30 days and see how it affects your life. Hopefully, you will begin to show more gratitude for what you have in your life. ~Lissette Ro at The Power to be Happy Share this: Pay attention to the little things in life and nature and you will begin to notice how lucky and happy your life really is.

You never really appreciate things and people until there gone. Do not wait for that to happen!
I invite you to take the “Happiest Moment” Challenge and start your journal today!
All you have to do is get a notebook, or if you have a real diary or journal even better and begin writing today one thing that made you happy that day. And if you don’t want to deal with writing in a journal, attached is pdf.file that contains blank work sheets for you to print and fill out your 30-Day 

Happiest Moments Challenge. 
Click on link for your worksheets: 30-Day Happiest Moment Challenge
Make this your happy challenge for the next 30 days and see how it affects your life.
Hopefully, you will begin to show more gratitude for what you have in your life.
~Lissette Ro at The Power to be Happy




Are you doing all the right things but you are still not succeeding at what you want? Remember, that YOU are the vehicle to take you to where you want to be.

Work on yourself first before you attempt anything else.

Have an open-mind and an open-heart. Be honest with what you really want (whatever that may be) and be ready to go after it!

Remember to get what you want:
  • You have to have the right vehicle at the right time
  • You have to have the right knowledge
  • You have to have the right mindset
  • You have to really want it                                                                                                                                                                                                      YOU are the root of your success!
                  The Power to be Happy's photo.


How many days do you wake up feeling so inspired like you can conquer the world and go after all your dreams? But then…something happens to burst your bubble and someone “empty’s your bucket?” You feel deflated and you get down again?  

Well, I am here to tell you, you are not alone!
creator-destiny-quote-pictures-inspirational-quotes-picThere are many people who feel this way.  The key is to NOT give up, to keep coming back for more motivation, to seek out positive messages.
It isn’t easy when you have a tendency to let other people take away your power to make you happy.

What you must concentrate on, is YOU – on getting yourself focused on what you want and going after it, no matter who or what stands in your way!

You are smart. You can do this! You do have the drive deep own to fulfill your dreams. Do not let anyone take that drive away from you! You have the power to be happy!