Monday, November 23, 2015


Some days do you wake up and wonder , "Just what am I doing? Is this all worth it?"  Working hard to make a living, trying to blend into the "rat-race," shuffling the kids back and forth between activities and sports, with barely any free time for yourself.  I know, sometimes, I do!
Blue Box

There are people who some days just feel down and "blue" and can't see the silver lining. This tends to happen on Monday mornings or when things aren't going well (from their perspective.) It is usually when they are in their "own little world," not really participating productively in society, and not getting everything they want fast enough. That is when most people get trapped in that "blue box."   Do you tend to get trapped in that "blue box?"

Life can definitely be challenging and sometimes  can seem like one disappointment after another, when we are faced with obstacles, but really, if we change our lens, and look at all the good and positive things in our lives, it can and will change our perspective.  It is so important to have a goal, to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.
Even though, I do wake up some days feeling like something is wrong with the entire world, I've learned that "life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful."  I have learned that in moments like this, that's when it's time to make the EXTRA effort to get out and do something positive.  I have learned that three people have the power to make me happy: Me, Myself & I! 
That's right only YOU and I, individually, have the power to make ourselves happy.  And remember, life doesn't have to be perfect all the time, you just have to recognize and appreciate what you do have and show gratitude everyday for it!  This does not mean you are going to float around like "Mary Poppins" every day but it will help you will start your day off with a little more pizzazz and appreciation for the life you live, especially when you have dreams and goals to pursue.
Here is a list of things I want to share with you, that you may want to try to help you get back into the "swing of things."  Remember, YOU always have the power to be happy. 
"What you think, you attract!"
1. Make a list of all the things you love and appreciate in your life (look at this list and remember it!) 
2. Make a conscious effort to schedule time to do sometime YOU enjoy (art, crafts, yoga, write etc...)
3. Treat yourself to your favorite lunch or dinner.
4. Call or visit an old friend - sometimes the best therapy is just talking to someone you trust or like.
5. Find a way to laugh, whether it's listening to jokes (audio) or going to a comedy show.
6. Read something inspiring and motivational.
7. Start a fun or creative project. Something that you’re excited about, that will make you smile.
8. Write about how you feel, whether you have a blog or not. Talk about the things that make you feel
    down or upset. Whether you share it or not, is not the point. It is cathartic to write out   
     your feelings. Post it, don’t post it, whatever you choose to do, just get it out of your system.
9.  Watch that movie that you've wanted to see for a while now, even if it's requires getting a sitter.
10. Go for a walk, somewhere were you can appreciate nature (tree, beach, mountain, by a lake etc...)

These are just a few things you can do to help you get a jump-start to your happy frame of mind.   Everyday will not always be good but you can definitely find the good in every day.  You are attracting what you think on a daily basis.  You have the power...use it wisely!
Follow your dreams, set a goal, one day at a time.  The key is to find your purpose or your passion and life will become more exhilarating every day!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


The power of grief is inexplicable, really. It 
is a hurt that runs so deep that only those who have lived it can understand. Sometimes, we bury the hurt so deep down, we think it's gone and then like a flash of lightning, something zaps you right back into that black empty space. 

My mother died almost 14 years ago and the feeling of loss never really goes away. I believe that the loss of a child and the loss of one's mother is so powerful. This is not to diminish the hurt and sadness when we lose anyone else we love. It is just that the mother-child relationship is so  intricately intertwined, into the depths of our very soul.  

I considered myself pretty strong when it came to the loss if my mom. I mean, I did and do have moments of sadness and longing for her but I grieved when she died and celebrated her life thereafter, and still smile at her memory. So I was completely taken back, when recently, I grabbed a bottle of perfume, knowing full well that it was the scent my mother wore and inhaled deeply, as if to intoxicate myself  and like a waterfall of emotions, the tears just flowed as I smelled it.  I knew what I was doing, I just never expected that incredible flow of emotion.  It is amazing how emotions so deeply buried can surface at the slightest hint of a memory. 

As I inhaled the scent, it instantly transported me to my youth and to her sweet smile as she basked in the "scent of a mom." I didn't know it then, how much I would come to love that perfume, if only for the memory.

It is through moments of deep grief that I have experienced, that I have also learned to truly appreciate the power to be happy.  Grief teaches us that life is short and we must appreciate our loved ones before time runs out. We all have the power to be happy and although some of us have experienced major losses in our lives, some more than others, we must learn to overcome the sadness and learn to appreciate what we do have and be happy. We are ALL on borrowed time.  It is what we all have in common - no one gets out alive. 

So, if you too are struggling with moments of grief, do your best to hold on to the great memories you have and use all your strength and power, to be HAPPY! 

~Lissette R.

Friday, June 12, 2015


Everywhere I read, it says how good Yoga is for you. Well, this is the year that I am going to start!  The benefits are many. Despite the fact that I am so out of shape, I am going to start little by little, perhaps with "chair yoga."

Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga is a gentle form of yoga that is practiced sitting on a chair, or standing using a chair for support. It is in the process of being recognized formally as a type of yoga distinct from other types, such as Iyengar Yoga or Ashtanga yoga. Often the poses, or Asanas, are often adaptations of Hatha yoga poses.

"In Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism the word yoga means "spiritual discipline". People often associate yoga with the postures and stances that make up the physical activity of the exercise, but after closer inspection it becomes clear that there are many more aspects of yoga. It is an activity that has been practiced for thousands of years, and it is something that has evolved and changed overtime. Different factions of yoga have developed since its conception."

"The traditional purpose of Yoga, however, has always been to bring about a profound transformation in the person through the transcendence of the ego," (Feuerstein 3)

Modern Yoga

Modern yoga is based on five basic principles that were created by Swami Sivananda.
  • Proper relaxation
  • Proper exercise
  • Proper breathing
  • Proper diet
  • Positive thinking and meditation 

Recently, I read an article in the Huffington Post about how Yoga can make you happier!  Here is the article:

By Monique Minahan
When I first started practicing yoga, I was still digging my way out of a deep cavern of grief. Something about this unusual method of twists, turns, and upside downs kept calling me back. I didn't know what it was initially, but as I began to settle into my body, things began to shift in my life.

I think of it as going from a paralyzed life to a walking life. If you are already able to walk and then begin to run, that's liberating. If you are paralyzed and then begin to walk, that's a miracle.

2013-01-17-Gaiam4This was my experience with the power and patience of yoga. Learning how to walk into my life, transition from grief to peace, and eventually to happiness.
The peace and happiness we access on our mats is no accident. Although many write it off as just another exercise-induced dopamine high, yoga goes deeper than that. The mind-body connection created in yoga facilitates change at a cellular level. Cellular memory is the idea that our bodies hold our histories.
Before you brush this off as far-fetched, consider that scientists and physicians have found compelling evidence that the brain and body send messages to each other through neuropeptides and receptors. Neurocardiology is a discipline that studies the communicative relationship between the brain and the heart.

Our nervous systems are what we're tapping into in yoga. Retraining how psychological or emotional triggers set off our flight-or-fight response allows us the opportunity to rewire our sympathetic nervous system. The deep breathing practiced in yoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system, producing a calming, relaxed effect.

The relationship between head and heart has been described as a "dynamic, ongoing, two-way dialogue with each organ continuously influencing the other's function."
When we weave positive intention into our movements, we are imprinting these thoughts, not only into our minds, but into our bodies. We are effecting change on our mat that will allow for change off our mat.

Much of our unhappiness as humans comes from our thoughts or feelings. We judge our experiences in terms of good or bad. We experience feelings of inadequacy, powerlessness, embarrassment, humiliation, and we often keep track of what we don't have more than what we do have.
A full practice of yoga, including meditation, gently removes these weights from our minds and our bodies. Not only does it remove them, but with time it can begin to reshape our attitudes, views, and thoughts.

The physical postures take us into our bodies in a non-judgemental way. From this neutral viewpoint, we can see huge possibility. Without being blocked by preconceived ideas of what we can or cannot do, we are free to try, to fall, to play, and to grow.

Physically, yoga asks one simple thing of us: Show up. Show up in mind, body, and spirit. These are things we can skimp on in other areas of life. Perhaps we show up in body to work or a conversation, but our minds are somewhere else. At times we show up mentally to a project, while our bodies slouch for hours, forgotten. The integration in yoga of all these parts creates the prerequisite unity and connection required for happiness to bloom.

Once we feel unified and connected, we will access a deep well of joy that does not diminish when shared. Yoga doesn't just lift our spirits. It lifts our lives. It opens our eyes to the essence of who we are, and therein lies peace. Therein lies the happiness.

(ref.  Feuerstein, Georg. The Deeper Dimension of Yoga: Theory and Practice. Boston: Shambhala, 2003 & The Huffington Post 2015)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


road-to-happinessRecently, I heard some great advice from the best-selling author of Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert, when she appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show.  She suggested keeping a “happiness journal.”  Remember when you were growing up, you probably had a diary or a journal or knew someone who did? Most of us wrote in it religiously or just complained about what happened to us or didn’t happen to us. Well, with a happiness journal, it is a conscious effort to write down your HAPPY moments daily.  It may seem silly but it helps to point out how fortunate you are and teaches us all to be more grateful!

Sure, there are days that are not going to be so good, but if you really pay attention, there is something (even if it’s a small something) in every day, that can make you happy or at least makes  you smile.

 Whether it is watching your kids play, or going out to a nice dinner or lunch, spending quality time with a friend or loved one  or maybe someone paid you a compliment, or maybe even just walking outside and enjoying the sunshine.

Recently, I heard some great advice from the best-selling author of Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert, when she appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show. She suggested keeping a “happiness journal.”

Remember when you were growing up, you probably had a diary or a journal or knew someone who did? Most of us wrote in it religiously or just complained about what happened to us or didn’t happen to us. Well, with a happiness journal, it is a conscious effort to write down your HAPPY moments daily. It may seem silly but it helps to point out how fortunate you are and teaches us all to be more grateful! Sure, there are days that are not going to be so good, but if you really pay attention, there is something (even if it’s a small something) in every day, that can make you happy or at least makes you smile. road-to-happiness Whether it is watching your kids play, or going out to a nice dinner or lunch, spending quality time with a friend or loved one or maybe someone paid you a compliment, or maybe even just walking outside and enjoying the sunshine. Pay attention to the little things in life and nature and you will begin to notice how lucky and happy your life really is. You never really appreciate things and people until there gone.

Do not wait for that to happen! I invite you to take the “Happiest Moment” Challenge and start your journal today! All you have to do is get a notebook, or if you have a real diary or journal even better and begin writing today one thing that made you happy that day. And if you don’t want to deal with writing in a journal, attached is pdf.file that contains blank work sheets for you to print and fill out your 30-Day Happiest Moments Challenge. Click on link for your worksheets: 30-Day Happiest Moment Challenge Make this your happy challenge for the next 30 days and see how it affects your life. Hopefully, you will begin to show more gratitude for what you have in your life. ~Lissette Ro at The Power to be Happy Share this: Pay attention to the little things in life and nature and you will begin to notice how lucky and happy your life really is.

You never really appreciate things and people until there gone. Do not wait for that to happen!
I invite you to take the “Happiest Moment” Challenge and start your journal today!
All you have to do is get a notebook, or if you have a real diary or journal even better and begin writing today one thing that made you happy that day. And if you don’t want to deal with writing in a journal, attached is pdf.file that contains blank work sheets for you to print and fill out your 30-Day 

Happiest Moments Challenge. 
Click on link for your worksheets: 30-Day Happiest Moment Challenge
Make this your happy challenge for the next 30 days and see how it affects your life.
Hopefully, you will begin to show more gratitude for what you have in your life.
~Lissette Ro at The Power to be Happy




Are you doing all the right things but you are still not succeeding at what you want? Remember, that YOU are the vehicle to take you to where you want to be.

Work on yourself first before you attempt anything else.

Have an open-mind and an open-heart. Be honest with what you really want (whatever that may be) and be ready to go after it!

Remember to get what you want:
  • You have to have the right vehicle at the right time
  • You have to have the right knowledge
  • You have to have the right mindset
  • You have to really want it                                                                                                                                                                                                      YOU are the root of your success!
                  The Power to be Happy's photo.


How many days do you wake up feeling so inspired like you can conquer the world and go after all your dreams? But then…something happens to burst your bubble and someone “empty’s your bucket?” You feel deflated and you get down again?  

Well, I am here to tell you, you are not alone!
creator-destiny-quote-pictures-inspirational-quotes-picThere are many people who feel this way.  The key is to NOT give up, to keep coming back for more motivation, to seek out positive messages.
It isn’t easy when you have a tendency to let other people take away your power to make you happy.

What you must concentrate on, is YOU – on getting yourself focused on what you want and going after it, no matter who or what stands in your way!

You are smart. You can do this! You do have the drive deep own to fulfill your dreams. Do not let anyone take that drive away from you! You have the power to be happy!

Friday, May 1, 2015


I absolutely love this particular city's idea of helping with the homeless situation! In Oregon, the city of Eugene has created,  Opportunity Village Eugene, which is a nonprofit organization based in that city, that has a great plan to end homelessness.  They are building tiny homes and using donations to raise funds to help build each one of these homes.

I think every city should learn from this project and help do something about the homeless situation, especially in today's economy, where it is not too-far fetched to have so many homeless people.  This project does not mean it is a permanent solution, but as the article below explains, it is a stepping-stone for those who need help "getting on their feet" again!

I am sure this concept has not only provided shelter for those who desperately need it, but has made many people happy and given them a new lease on life, so to speak!
Kudos to Opportunity Village Eugene!

This City Is Defeating Homelessness With Tiny Homes, But They Need Our Help!

Source:  Higher Perspective
April 27, 2015
On any given night in the central Oregon city of Eugene, there are about 3,000 people who don’t have a home to return to. Opportunity Village Eugene, a nonprofit organization based in that city, has a big plan to end it.
Tiny houses.
Opportunity Village panorama 1

The mission of Opportunity Village Eugene is simple but impactful: they want to create small, self-managed communities of low-cost tiny houses for those who lack homes. Opportunity Village isn’t a permanent housing arrangement for the city’s homeless. Rather, it’s a stepping stone to transitioning back into society and having a home themselves. “After only a few months of living there my girlfriend and I now are living a life where we are able to sustain a home on our own after being homeless for 2 years.” says Sam Johns on the organization’s website.

-31430a753c52c00f                                            Opportunity Village is a rather bare bones operation. The homes serve as shelter and a safe place to store belongings and not much more. The tiny homes are at most 60 square feet and are not equipped with running water, plumbing or electricity. Some residents have been able to get their hands on donated solar panels to power small devices like cell phones and small appliances.

But now, Opportunity Village Eugene is raising $15,000 to establish Emerald Village, a 15-home community that’s fully equipped with electricity, running water, outdoor fathering area, laundry facility, food pantry, walking paths, and a parking area. Each of the homes will be 128 to 250 square feet, a big improvement from the powerless, waterless 60 square foot homes.
Tiny House Village PED
Members of Emerald Village will make monthly payments toward operational costs of the cooperative and will share in the ownership of it. Each monthly payment will be at most $250 and will go toward utilities and a share of the village, earning the lower-income residents equity. Emerald Village will also be self-governed Democracy Style by the residents who live there.

CLICK HERE to make a donation toward Emerald Village.
As of this writing, Emerald city is $7,419 of the way to their $15,000 goal. They also have a matching grant for $50,000 in place right now too, so every dollar donated is doubled.
It’s a small step in countering a huge problem, but I get the feeling it’s going to be one of many.
(ref. Higher Perspective)


The hardest time to be positive and happy is when you feel your life is "falling apart!"  Sometimes we feel this way because our career may not be headed where we think it should be, or sometimes, there are marital issues or sometimes even worse, it could be financial problems.  Sure, it is easy to be happy when everything is going well, but when things are going in the wrong direction, well, that's when you need all your strength to come in.  This is why it is so important to keep reading positive messages, books, blog posts, articles, quotes, anything to keep you motivated and surrounded by people who will lift your spirits, not bring you down.  It is very difficult to maintain a positive attitude if you have lost a job, a loved one, or if you are going though an emotional roller coaster because of a relationship.

“Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once.” – Paulo Coelho

This sometimes tends to be the case, as they say, "when it rains it pours," and everything happens to you at once, or so you feel.  It is in moments like this that you must gather up all of your courage and strength, put your big boy or girl pants on, and keep moving forward!

When One Door ClosesRemember that even when things seem grim, there is always a silver lining.  One door closing, usually means something better awaits you!  Learn to live your life to be happy and everything else will follow!  It is how we view things that affects our reaction to it.  Even if something bad happens to us or around us, knowing that it will eventually get better, will help you move on.  There is always sunshine after a storm. It may take a while, but it will shine again and so will you!

  • Surround yourself with positive people
  • Read books, messages, quotes that will motivate and inspire you
  • Volunteer at an organization or find someone to help or mentor
  • Try not to complain for one week (or one day at a time)
  • If you want to be inspired, inspire someone else
“If you can dream it, then you can achieve it.  You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar


We never get a second chance to make a first impression. Therefore, every interaction is an important one.

Remember these 5 tips as you encounter people on a daily basis:


1. Do not let personal or professional stressors affect your communication with others, especially in the work place.

2. Demonstrate a caring attitude by treating others as you wish to be treated.

3. Acknowledge people immediately even if you have to stop what you're doing.

4. When you meet someone for the first time: Smile, make eye contact, and introduce yourself.  It is amazing the difference it makes when someone looks you in the eye when they are speaking to you.

5. Rudeness is never appropriate. Make an effort, at all times to treat others with courtesy and respect.

Thursday, April 23, 2015



Do you need some motivation to get you going every day? I know I do!  Remember, "You become what you think!" So, why not think happy & positive thoughts every day?

A good way to help you do this is by creating a "vision board," which is a trending topic in success and entrepreneur blogs lately. It is as simple as putting pictures together of things/people that motivate you, a collage of sorts.  You can be as creative and fancy as you want or just keep it simple by cutting and pasting pictures together on a poster board.

The point it not about the artwork, per se, it is about the motivation factor and about visualizing what you want in your life.  It is about YOUR dreams, your goals, your desires, your joys.  It is a "board" to look at that is visually appealing to you. It is not about making it attractive for someone else, it is about seeing pictures of what is going to motivate you on a daily basis.

When you are done with it, you can place it in your office, kitchen, bedroom, wherever you are going to see it often, so that it serves as a reminder and motivator.
Happy Vision BoardI made my "Happy Vision Board" online using pictures of people I love, and quotes that inspire me!  I used an app called, Pic Monkey, and simply chose the collage feature and placed the pictures I wanted in the open slots.  It is so simple, it even gives you the option to choose your layout and the number of pictures you can use.  Remember, if you do not want to get technical on the computer, simply paste some of your favorite pictures on a canvas or poster board.   I have chosen this online method and now I can use mine as my background screensaver, as well as print it for visual motivation.

Whatever way you choose to create your vision board, it will be fun and it will serve as a daily reminder of what you should be grateful for and for the things you are striving for.
Here are some ideas for pictures:
  • Pictures of your kids or grand kids;
  • Vacation spot;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  • Car or dream house;  
  • Dream job
  • Pictures of your "skinny" self
  •  Pictures of people who inspire you                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Simply cut out inspiring pictures or quotes from your favorite magazine.
And here are some ideas of what your Vision Board can look like:

Vision board sample 3 visionboard sample 3 Vision board sampe 1Vision board sampe 2

Now go get yourself a board bulletin or poster board and get started on your Vision Board to hang at your desk, your workspace, kitchen or a place where you will be inspired every time you look at it. Grab some magazines and aim for a few images that speak to you! 

Good luck and have a great time!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Are you happy in your current job? If so, congrats!  If not, or if you want to start making money without  having to deal with the "corporate grind," keep reading!

YOU can start working from home today!

If you are anything like me, you have no desire to go back into the "corporate world" or you just want to get out of it. Most people that I know, especially moms, actually enjoy staying home and being there when the kids come home from school. I know I do!  However, the one complaint everyone had that I spoke to was, the lack of extra income.  Everyone I've talked to always wants to find a way to make money from home.  Well, I did!

Work-at-Home-Jobs has created a program that is simple to learn.  New job tasks are designed to create income working at home. Most of  their members had no prior experience in the job fields they provide. With their training and tutorials YOU are able to learn new skills that will help you earn income well into the future.  

Their network consists of over 40,000 companies that deal with all types of niches and products which include business, sports, health, recreation, family, retail, society, services just too name a few. They have everything from small businesses to fortune 500 companies for you to partner with directly. As an independent worker you will retain all of your earnings and will be 1099 at the end of the year.  

Just follow the training programs and you too can add many new skills to your portfolio and be ahead in the world of online work-at-home workers.  The more you work, the more you can earn!


Work-at-Home-Jobs has been certified with several other organizations such as Web Assured, Web Guard, BIB, and Honest e-Online to name a few.  They have received top work-at-home honor several years in a row by Consumer-Rated and recently received their "Editor's Choice Award."

Friday, April 3, 2015


Kindness: Just Another Proof That Good People Exist

“When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.” ~ The 14th Dalai Lama

Often times I hear people complaining that the world we live in is full of mean, cold, cruel and negative people. But I really don’t think that’s true. I guess if you look for darkness, that’s what you will find. And if you believe that darkness is all that there is, that’s what you’ll experience. But if you seek the light, and if you believe that the world we live in, is full of good, kind and loving people, than that’s what you will experience.

I am an optimistic. I like to look at the bright side of things. I like to look for the good in people and I like to think that good is what we all want to experience. In fact, I really believe that at the core level, underneath all our fears, doubts, insecurities, negative thoughts and many limiting beliefs, we are all good people. At the deeper level we are all kind, compassionate and loving beings. Because that’s our true nature, that’s our real essence. That’s who we truly are. And I also believe that one of the many reasons why we enjoy watching positive and inspiring videos like the one I’m going to share with you today, is because these videos remind us of who we truly are underneath it all. They remind us that we are all made of love and made to love. And that in spite of all our external difference, we are all one big family. We are all ONE.

Albert Einstein said it so beautifully, “A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

We are all in this together, one big family. And the more love, kindness and compassion we project onto those around us, through our  presence, our words, our actions and behaviors, the more love and happiness we will bring upon us. Because whatever we give, life will give back to us ten fold. And if we give love, laughter, kindness, happiness and compassion, that’s exactly what life will give back to us, ten fold…

The world is full of good people, you just have to look for them. And this video is just another proof that they exist.



Three Choices

3 Choices

This is by far one of my favorite quotes.  Basically, it says when something bad happens, you have 3 choices:

1. You can let it define you.
2. Let it destroy you.
3. Let it strengthen you.

We have all had something bad happen to us. Maybe something bad is happening to you right now.  Whether you are suffering from an illness or lack of money or you are just just plain ol’ heart-broken, you cannot let this “bad thing” define you and you certainly cannot let it destroy you.
By doing nothing, and wallowing in your sorrows, you are allowing the problem to consume you.

Remember, you have the power to be happy. You do have the power to make choices. Choices that will make you feel better about yourself and the situation.  You might not see it right away but doing nothing will certainly not help you at all.  It is choice number three, that we must all strive for.   You wer given this life
We must learn from our mistakes, from our pain and suffering and become that much stronger for it.   When you have doubts, remember that you were given this life because you are strong enough to live it!

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Remember that you have to stop blaming others for your misfortunes.  You have to stop harping on the past and what went wrong.  "What-if's" will not help you resolve today's problems.

Dalai Lama quote

A sign of wisdom is learning from your mistakes and moving on.  We all make mistakes and make some bad decisions now and then but the the key to life is to learn from it and grow as a person.   Only you hold the key to peace and tranquility in your life.  You have the power to be happy with the circumstances you are dealt.  Not every day is going to be a joy but if you learn to let go of the past and stop  blaming other people for your misfortunes, life will take it's course and run much smoother. 

Let your inner anger go.

Let it go!

Visit: The Power to be


If you are here on this page I think it's because you are looking for some kind of motivation and/or inspiration to get moving with your life.  You know you've got to get out of this rut.  It's a new year but you just don't know how to start.
Well, the good news is, you did start!  The fact that you are reading and looking for ways to motivate you is a good sign.  First and foremost, I have to say that if you believe you are clinically depressed or have serious health issues, please seek medical advice.
For those of you just caught up in the "blah" mood of the season, the weather or whatever the reason...let's get going!!


Step 1: Make a list of things you want to do today. - Organization is the key to anything! Whether you have your own business, work for someone or you are a stay at home mom or in the PTA, you have to get organized!  Sitting in your sweat pants all day on the computer is not going to get you going! Prepare a list of things to do, even if it's only 2 or 3 things.  Start somewhere.

STEP 2: Be grateful. Think of and write down 2-5 things you are grateful for.  Think of what your life would be like if you didn't have these things or people in them. Remind yourself, why you want these things and why you want to be a better person.

STEP 3:  Get moving.  Literally! If you are at home, go run an errand or go for walk around the block. It will help to get your endorphins going. If you stay stagnant all day, your brain too will become stagnant and that's when all the negative thoughts creep in.  If you are at the office, try to go outside during break and get some fresh air, a different perspective than being behind your computer screen all day. 

Start with just these three things today or maybe even tomorrow, (if you started reading this too late in the day I'll give you a break on this one!)


Life is too Beautiful to waste it on people who don't love you for who YOU are!


“If people refuse to look at you in a new light and they can only see you for what you were, only see you for the mistakes you've made, if they don't realize that you are not your mistakes, then they have to go.” ― Steve Maraboli